Niigata Gastronomy
150 years ago it was bustling with trade and boasted the largest population in Japan.
Wisdom and culture from all over Japan gathered here.
It is one of the areas of Japan with the heaviest snowfall.
The water from the melted snow soaks the soil which grows the tastiest rice in the country.
The mineral rich snow melt then flows into the sea creating fertile fishing.
The history, culture, and climate of Niigata is condensed and expressed on a single plate.
Experience a story condensed onto one plate.
Engage your five senses.
Feel the history.
Feel the culture.
Sense the connection with the sea and with the land.
Savoring that one plate is a journey through the plentiful seas and lands.
And you can see the story unfold on that one plate.
150 years ago it was bustling with trade and boasted the largest population in Japan.
Wisdom and culture from all over Japan gathered here.
It is one of the areas of Japan with the heaviest snowfall.
The water from the melted snow soaks the soil which grows the tastiest rice in the country.
The mineral rich snow melt then flows into the sea creating fertile fishing.
The history, culture, and climate of Niigata is condensed and expressed on a single plate.
Experience a story condensed onto one plate.
Engage your five senses.
Feel the history.
Feel the culture.
Sense the connection with the sea and with the land.
Savoring that one plate is a journey through the plentiful seas and lands.
And you can see the story unfold on that one plate.

Niigata Prefecture recently established the Niigata Gastronomy Award.
This award is designed to highlight restaurants, lodging facilities, alcoholic beverages, and souvenirs in Niigata Prefecture that embody the philosophy of “local gastronomy,” which expresses the regional climate, history and culture in their cuisine, and are actively involved in the local community, and does not evaluate only culinary delicacy and restaurant quality. The award is given to food and beverage businesses and specialties that can be evaluated comprehensively for their “collaboration and efforts with local food and food-related industries,” “sustainability,” and “philosophy”.
A total of 532 submissions from the general public, including self-nominations and recommendations by others, were judged by professionals well-versed in the field of gastronomy, and 160 grand prize winners and special award winners were selected.
The award ceremony was held in Niigata City on March 9, 2023.
Niigata Prefecture will continue to promote Niigata's world-class Gastronomy in the future.
〇Food and Beverage Sector
My farm to table ONIYA (Niigata City)
This restaurant specializing in chicken dishes produces, cooks and serves chicken raised on the chef’s own farm.
〇Accommodation Sector
A resort complex adjacent to the headquarters of Snow Peak, a local Niigata company that proposes a nature-oriented lifestyle centered on camping equipment.
〇Local Products Sector
Kanzuri (Kanzuri Ltd., Myoko City)
This fermented seasoning is unique to Niigata’s snow country, fostered from the culture of a region with heavy snowfall.
This award is designed to highlight restaurants, lodging facilities, alcoholic beverages, and souvenirs in Niigata Prefecture that embody the philosophy of “local gastronomy,” which expresses the regional climate, history and culture in their cuisine, and are actively involved in the local community, and does not evaluate only culinary delicacy and restaurant quality. The award is given to food and beverage businesses and specialties that can be evaluated comprehensively for their “collaboration and efforts with local food and food-related industries,” “sustainability,” and “philosophy”.
A total of 532 submissions from the general public, including self-nominations and recommendations by others, were judged by professionals well-versed in the field of gastronomy, and 160 grand prize winners and special award winners were selected.
The award ceremony was held in Niigata City on March 9, 2023.
Niigata Prefecture will continue to promote Niigata's world-class Gastronomy in the future.
〇Food and Beverage Sector
My farm to table ONIYA (Niigata City)
This restaurant specializing in chicken dishes produces, cooks and serves chicken raised on the chef’s own farm.
〇Accommodation Sector
A resort complex adjacent to the headquarters of Snow Peak, a local Niigata company that proposes a nature-oriented lifestyle centered on camping equipment.
〇Local Products Sector
Kanzuri (Kanzuri Ltd., Myoko City)
This fermented seasoning is unique to Niigata’s snow country, fostered from the culture of a region with heavy snowfall.